Sunday, August 24, 2008

Cakes and muffins are good for you?

Cakes and muffins are usually eaten as a treat because they taste so good. People don't normally think about the nutrients they contain.

Nutrients are substances fouind in all foods that are used by our body after the food has been digested.

The five main nutrients are:
* protein
* carbohydrate
* fat
* minerals
* vitamins.

Water is also vital for a healthy body. Our bodies need to have these five nutrients, in the right amount, every day.

What do nutrients do?

Protein is needed to make our bones, muscles, skin and hair form properly.
carbohydrate is divided into three types:

* sugars give us lots of energy
* starches give us energy and are found in foods like potatoes, rice, pasta and flur
* dietary fibre helps us to get rid of our bodies waste material.

It is found in founds containing bran as well as oats, pulses, fruits and vegetables.

Fat is needed in small quantities. It provides energy and vitamins.

Fatty foods supply vitamins A, D, E and K. Vitamins are found in lots of different foods and have many functions. For example, vitamin A is needed for good night vision, healthy skin and tissue.

Minerals are very important to out bodies and they are found in lots of foods. For example, iron is needed to keep our blood healthy. It is found in egg, yolk, dried fruit and wholegrain cereal.

Nutrients in cakes and muffins

As we have already seen, the main ingredients used to make cakes and muffins are flour, fat, sugar and eggs. The nutrients they contain given the food its nutritional value.


Flour is made by milling cereal grains, for example, wheat, rice and maize. It provides starch (carbohydrate). Wheat flour is often used for baking and contains some protein, calcium and vitamins B1, B2 and B3. Flour supplies about 340kcal/1420 kj per 100g.


Fat supplies about 750 kcal/3140 kj per 100 g. Fat also provides vitamins A, D, E and K. Sugar
There are several different typyes of sugar: * sucrose (from sugar cane and beet) it often used for cakes and muffins

* fructose is found in fruits and honey
* Lactose is found in milk and milk products.

Thesse last two types are found naturally in foods. Cakes or muffinis that have had these ingredients added to them will contaiin these sugars too.


Eggs contain yolk and white. Fat is found in the yolk. Eggs also provide protein, vitamin A, vitamin B1, B2, B12, folic acid and iron. A hen's egg supplies about 80 kcal/335 kJ.

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