Thursday, September 18, 2008

New combined therapy for elbow pain

Tennis elbow is one of the causes of elbow pain. Sometime in cervical spondylosis, nerve which supplies to the elbow area gets compressed and causes elbow pain. in periarthritis shoulder also the pain will radiate up to elbow.

During the tennis game in back hand shot the opposite force will stretch the hand extensors. These extensor muscles originate from lateral side (outer) of the elbow. This continuous action strains the muscles attachment. So our body tends to support the area and deposit osteophytes on that area. These osteophytes compress the nerve ending (pain receptors) and causes pain. This may create little swelling and pain is felt during palpation. For normal people continuous strain to the extensor muscle while accelerating two wheelers.

Causes: These types of stretching of the extensor muscles may happen while twisting the hand, falling down, carrying a weight for long time, during travel in two wheelers for a long time, sweeping, cleaning the house, etc.

New Combined Therapy for Elbow Pain: In the new combined therapy homoeopathic medicines, shortwave diathermy ultrasound and manipulation are used. Electromagnetic waves from the short wave diathermy increases the blood circulation and vibrations from the ultrasound remove the osteophytes from the affected part. As exercise strain in extensor or muscle tends to increase pain it is better to restrict the extension movement of the hand. So patient is advised to wear elbow straps. Manipulation is also essential for this problem.

In homoeopathic treatment medicines are given to reduce pain and inflammation and to reduce muscle spasm. Rhustox, Ruta, Cal.Carb., Arnica are some of the medicines used to give quick relief.

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